Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Is it truly worth it? Or is it about the label. This is an interesting article from thrillist, and wanted your feedback. Here's mine!

Very Interesting article. But, I also find that some wine are just for the label. Simply because the wine is not as exceptional, as something I would buy in a sleepy town wineshop in Bodega Bay, California or small village in Burgundy, France. 
Small production, family owned, organic wine is the future!Hey... but that's the great thing about wine. It's all up to you!? And what's in your wallet......

Time for the Hitchhikers Guide to Wine Galaxy!

Break out of your comfort zone and adventure for half the price!

For the record: I will always get the client what they want. I just like the new and upcoming more. I usually find what they are looking for, and then they ask ..."What are you drinking, these days?" That's when the magic happens. Nice thing is some of my tough clients, are now listening to me. Feels good. My opinion matters. I find very old and good boutique, quality wine, without the label....mumble jumble.....but quality.  I feel, staying diverse is good for business and well being! Hey.......I have been shamed too, by not liking something, that other rave about.  But, but laugh at the money they spend on pretension.

And curiosity is how I find myself wandering through these little towns in France. Either on my bike, in the countryside. Or park the car and I just walking through these villages. I see people outside, or I see an old man reading a book with a nice glass of wine, or I see a lady with her kids trying to desperately enjoy that glass of wine, and I also see myself.... and ask... "what am I going to try today" is my question. What am I going to drink today and why?! I'm always in the places you would never imagine.... like farmers markets, someones kid's birthday party...who just happen to be winemakers. Or some hole in the wall, on some side street....you think murder? Or dégustation?! I take my chances....lol
 But these experiences broaden the horizons and I refuse to let someone make me feel shitty for saying they're spending a f'n car payment for a bottle of wine.

As a friend mentioned.....Get out or your comfort zone, and let curiosity be your guide!

Semur-en-Auxois French countryside

Streets of Dijon, France.

Semur-en- Auxois, France. Medieval village.

Vezelay, France. French Countryside.

Vezelay abbey.......French Countryside. And they make amazing bio-organic craft beer!

Explore! Try new things!

xoxo Game of Seasons!!!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Happy holidays!

Happy Holidays! 
It has been a long time since my last blog. I have been dealing with my freight and shipment of wine from Bourgogne- France, to San Francisco- California. I ran into some unusual issues with paperwork, and it was on the US side. I really want to get into the details for importer information. Still dealing with the last of paperwork, and then I will sing like a canary!!!!
It has been a challenge. However, I believe things happen for a reason. So I surrender. Life is interesting. I love my life and my passion is wine. Grateful for these experiences.....to be continued.

Thank God I work with patient and awesome winemakers! 
They even do box art! 


The month of November was VeRy stressful. And, my husband to be.. made this crazy month very pleasant for me! He puts up with my shit! I love this man! He really knows how to make me smile. He likes to make me laugh. He also likes to laugh at me, and with me..... Basically, we LaUgh a lot! LOL 
My sculpture, architect extraordinaire. Wine meets Art! 
Bon chance pour nous! 
 I am very grateful and he is a keeper! 

This is what can happen when you're going to marry someone that works in import/export. You may sleep with 540 bottles of wine, put together a pallet, for pickup and shipment the next day. Sorry honey!

We ate, and drank well. 


We went out and enjoyed the beginning of the winter holidays in Bourgogne!

Place de le Liberation. Dijon. Where the Duc of Borgogne lived.

Dijon, where my office is. 

 I really enjoyed coffee in the morning, and taking long walks in the orchard with our dog Deiselle. (Our little Lady Love)
 Winter is coming.... 
The trees that were so full of fruit in the summer, are almost bare and hibernating.

Le verger. The orchard....our orchard.

I am grateful that my friends and myself were far from the tragic attacks that happened in Paris. We are in Bourgogne, which is about 2.5 hours by car, and 1 hour by train. I felt the love and was very touched by all the thoughtful text, calls, and emails, from friends &family members. Thank you.

Christmas is almost here!

Omg....check out these great gifts from Wine[A]Roo -Wine in a Pouch! I think these are Great! Especially if you do wine in bulk!
Hope your holidays are merry and jolly! 

xoxo Game of Seasons

Sunday, October 25, 2015

5 Fall Wine Harvest for Lovers!

Another recent article.....I'm grateful to be a part of.... :)

I mentioned my favorite organic wineries during harvest 

season in California.
By Donna Sozio
Happy Sunday and Cheers!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wine pouches by the glass?! YESSSSSSSSSS I CAN!!!!

Team wine pouch! 

Happy hump day! Wednesday is almost over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Cheers!!!!!!!! Sante!  :)  Game of Seasons

SEDIMENT......What do you think?! I have to say....this was the best answer in my opinion!

People ask me a lot about sediment in wine. I can give you a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo, but here is a great answer! Cheers!

Cheers xoxo Game of Seasons!

Tee hee! Whip out those magnums!

This looks like fun!!!!!

Cheers! 'Tis the beginning of the season......xoxox Game of Seasons

Go Barging! What is barging you may ask?

 Welcome aboard! If my pictures could speak a 1000 words?! This was just a lovely and peaceful moment. On Board La Bell...